How to Fearlessly use a Contoured Edge Massage Tool

A massage tool with a contoured edge may look like there’s going to be some blood on your sheets after the massage is over, but I have a way to make it less scary: Put a guide finger/thumb (from the hand that’s not holding the massage tool) next to the contoured edge.

I’m going to show you how I do that in a minute, but, first, let’s look at two examples of tools with contoured edges.

This is a wooden tool.

This is a plastic tool with a contoured edge.

Yeah, they’re a little scaring looking.

Time to make them less scary.


Take your thumb or finger from the hand that’s not holding the massage tool and put it next to the contoured edge of the massage tool.

That guide finger/thumb is a sensor.

And it’s wired to your brain.

So, you’re going to be able to maintain sensitivity when using the contoured edge.

Now, slide your guide finger/thumb over part of the edge on the massage tool.

You can use that finger/thumb to help you press and get very precise pressure.

Wait, Mark, why do all that?

Why not just press using the tip of the T-bar?

1. Spread out the pressure.

You can, but if an area is too sensitive for pinpoint pressure (tip of the T-bar), the contoured edge of the T-bar might just do the trick.


The contoured edge is not as pinpoint as the tip of the T-bar and it’s more likely to contact surrounding tissue outside the pain area.

That could reduce pain through distraction.

In other words, it’s harder for the client to feel (focus on) the pain when other tissue around the pain area is being stimulated.

There are more things you can do with the contoured edge.

2. Cross-Fiber Friction

The contoured edge is great for cross-fiber friction while being kind to your thumbs.

It’s easy.


Find your spot.

Press down with the contoured edge and your guide finger.

Have at it going back and forth across the affected fibers.

The contoured edge can also be a great tool for palpation.

3. Palpation

To find tight/tender areas I place the contoured edge down on the area I want to examine.

Next comes my guide finger/thumb.

I press down on the contoured edge.

I go back and forth east and west and/or north and south creating contrast as I press.

When I find an area of tightness I can home in on it by pressing the guide finger onto the contoured edge where the pressure is needed.

Fearlessly Using a Contoured Edge Massage Tool

Using a contoured edge is not so scary anymore, right?

Keep that guide finger/thumb next to the contoured edge to sense and palpate.

And use that finger to help apply more precise pressure on the contoured edge when you need to get more exact.

Here’s a quick video to help you out:

More about using massage tools here.

Massage tools for sale soon at Pain-Free Massage Therapist.

Also, if you want to get crackin’ on getting competent with massage tools, I have an online, home study course: How  to Use Massage Tools and Fearlessly and Effectively.


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