How to Create Predictable Massage Income

One week you’re dining at your favorite restaurant. The next week you’re eating P&Js.

We all know what happened during P&J week–clients disappeared.

That’s just how the massage business is, right?

Actually, no.

You can create steady and predictable massage income every week.

Here’s how to do it.

Predictable Massage Income

First, think about how many clients it will take per week for you to make the money you want.

We’ll call this the weekly average of massages needed to meet your income goal.

Next, take your weekly massage average and add 5 more massages per week.

Did your hands just curl up in the fetal position and scream out “No Mas!”?

This should help them uncurl: You won’t ever have to hit the “weekly average + 5” number if you don’t want to.

The “weekly massage average + 5” number is to help you figure out how much marketing you need to do.

Here’s what I mean.

Average Weekly Massage Goal = Unpredictable Massage Income

For easy math let’s say you want to make $1000 a week.

You charge $70 an hour.

To get $1000 at $70/hour you’d have to do 14.28 hours worth of massage.

Let’s round that up to 14.5 hours of massage.

So, you go out and market to get 14.5 hours of massage a week. When you hit a week or two of 14.5 hours you get excited and continue with the same marketing plan.

But at the end of the year your marketing efforts yield these results:

  1. You hit your 14.5 hour week about half the time.
  2. A few weeks you did better than your average.
  3. Some weeks we’re really bad.
  4. The rest of the weeks were below your average.

Is that reliable and predictable massage income?


Weekly Average + 5 = Predictable Massage Income

Now, let’s keep the same setup ($70/hour, $1000/week, 14.5 hours of massage), but this time we’ll plug in the concept of marketing to hit your weekly number + 5.

So, we’ll add 5 more massages per week to bring the total to 19.5 hours of massage a week needed to meet the goal of averaging 14.5 hours a week. Let’s round that up to 20 hours per week for easy math.

To average 20 hours a week you’ll have to really ramp up your marketing efforts, much more so then when you were trying to hit the 14.5 hours mark.

When you do that it’s almost guaranteed that more clients will start to come in.

But wait, Mark, remember my fingers curling up in the fetal position? I don’t want to do 20 hours a week!

You don’t have to.

The trick to predictable weekly income is overflow.

Once you have 14.5 hours filled for the week, you push the rest of the clients into the next week.

Or if one week you want to make more than your weekly average, like before going on vacation, see the overflow clients that week.

It’s completely up to you.

Oh, Crap

If you’re thinking, Oh, crap I have to take marketing seriously!, you’re right. But you don’t need to turn into this:

You can just be you by picking the marketing strategies that don’t conflict with your core values or compromise your integrity.

I wrote this article to help you find the salesperson within in.

You Have to Sell

And I wrote this article to help you cultivate the salesperson within.

How to Get Someone Sell Your Massage

Quick Version for Predictable Massage Income


It’s not as bad as you think.

If you’re not hitting your target, predictable income mark then you’re not marketing enough.

Determine how many massages you need to do a week to meet your annual income goal. Then add 5 more massages per week.

Increase your marketing efforts to reach the “weekly average + 5” number.

This article will help you market without feeling cheesy.

2 Marketing Tips, Not 10

When you have your first week of clients coming out of the woodwork don’t freak out.

Do this instead:

Source: WikimediaImages

Or this:

Source: Open Clipart-Vectors

Better yet, this:

Source: Open Clipart-Vectors

Because now you have a waiting list of clients.

See the overflow this week, next week, in a month–it’s your call.

Hello world of steady and predictable income:-)

Need more help growing your massage business?

Here’s a free course: Jumpstart.

Also, I have an email group. I’ll let you know when my latest articles, videos and tutorials are out. And if you to tell me what you need help with, I’ll make sure you get the material that you need. My email group is free and you can unsubscribe anytime. Sign up here:-)

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