How to Protect Your Time and Make Money Doing Massage

I was caught in a massage catch 22.

Initially, massage gave me freedom (time to do what I wanted to do), but not much money. And then when I started chasing the money, I lost my freedom.

It took me many years before I discovered another way where I could have both freedom and money doing massage.

What’s the way?

Going all in.

It seems counter-intuitive, I know.

But it works.

This is how it went down for me.

My Massage Catch 22

When I first started massage I didn’t invest a whole lot of time into my business and this is what occurred:

Minimal time investment = not many dollars.

I had plenty of freedom (time), but not plenty of money.

Then I kicked up my time investment a notch and I got this result:

Moderate time investment = a moderate income increase.

The good news was that I still had more freedom than my friends working 9 to 5s, but much less time than I did when I was making less money.

To be honest, I wasn’t any happier with a moderate income increase because in order to keep that increase, I had to make a moderate time investment each and every day.

So, I’d bounce back and forth between minimal and moderate time investments without being happy with either one.

Massage Catch 22 Revisited

As time went on I had to face the reality of either making more money doing massage or finding another career.

So, I thought what if I just went all in, like seriously all in, no-holds-barred.

I did.

And to my surprise, this is what happened:

3. A lot of time invested = a lot more money  + time back.

No More Massage Catch 22

It sounds backwards, but it’s not.

Going all in is front-loaded.

You lose a lot of time at first because you hand over huge chunks of time to generate clients BUT once your business is really cranking, you can reclaim your time back.

For me, I spent many months working my butt off to generate more business.

I was doing demo massages, business events and running massage specials.

I got my website updated and I fixed my SEO.

For a while, I was so busy I could barely keep up with clients coming in and my marketing efforts.

I was back to the massage catch 22.

More money, but no time.

Again, the time investment didn’t seem worth it.

But after about 8 months, I noticed a shift in my business.

Clients were coming in steadily. And the drastic, weekly ups-and-downs were gone.

Hmm…I wonder what would happen if I did less demo massages and other promotional stuff and just focused on what was working to generate clients?

What happened was my business remained steady AND I could start to reclaim my time because I didn’t have to chase down clients any longer.

Before you go checking my About Page, let me just tell you, I’m not special.

Other MTs do this, too.

In fact, one of MT friends has gotten to the point where she goes away for 3 months and returns to a very busy practice.

Are you in a massage catch 22?

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

Go all in.

There’s no doubt that going all in will be frustrating at first.

You’re going to be thinking that you’re wasting your time because you’re not going to see a big bump in income immediately.

But then you’ll have a really good week.

Then a couple weeks later, you’ll have another good one. And over the next few months, the good weeks will get closer together.

At this point, it’s time to double-down on the referral sources that are working and to shelve the ones that aren’t.

Boom! You gain some time back.

And within a few more months you’ll have good, predictable and steady income.

But you’re not done.

Put those key referral sources on maintenance mode. Voila! Even more time back!

This article will help you get started going all in.

And if you need more help, sign up for my email group.

I’ll send you my latest everything about making more money and staying out of pain.

It’s free.

Sign up here:-)



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  • Leslie Mar 20, 2022, 10:00 am

    Great article Mark on pushing it thru & getting off that Hamster wheel, letting force in motion roll that wheel instead. Thank You for your as always Valuable Insights 🙂

    • Mark Liskey Mar 20, 2022, 5:51 pm

      Hey, Leslie! You said it perfectly–“letting force in motion roll that wheel instead.” I’m going to steal that. Lol. Thanks for the comment and supporting my work. 🙂